Give a Goat a Pumpkin

The last few weeks the goats have given right around a gallon while being milked only once a day. Now with them in the barn it has been a little sporadic since I believe they are getting bored with their feed. To fix this I have added pumpkins and a little bit of whole wheat to their trough in the morning. The pumpkin is good for them but also allows them something to chew on and keep them from being bored. Honestly when I look at the pictures of Sepp Holzer's property with all the space and lush vegetation it make me wonder if I will ever get there--that mythical place where the wildlife, domestic animals, bugs, and people are healthy. The more I learn about this stuff the more I wonder if it is really possible without lots of money, water, and slaves to boot. So much work! So much to learn!

I earned my degree in Environmental Science, why don't I go save the world by working in that field, maybe for the government? Because I have, I did, it won't work. All of that red tape, all of that money, all of those different chains of command to go through before you do anything. It would be like putting monkeys in a room with a sewing machine and asking for a wedding dress. All you get is a bunch of monkeys throwing poop at each other and a broken sewing machine. In my own little corner of the world I can try ANYTHING at any time and watch to see if it works. If it did work I mark it in my journal and go to the next experiment. It can be as cheap or expensive as I want and the sky is the limit. How much faster is that than what the Forest Service, and DOA, and the EPA are doing right now? I think this is how we will find solutions, not from the big guys.

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