Chamomile has Decided I Need to Wean

Currently I milk Athena once a day in the mornings and Chamomile is milked for making curds (for the chickens) at night and for family consumption in the morning with Athena. Chamomile just gives so much milk and is so early in her lactation that only going out once a day makes her too full to milk in the morning and really uncomfortable. Holding a little over a gallon of milk in your boobs would hurt anybody and I don't want her udder damaged. Consequently after three days I switched back to twice a day. This shifting milking time gave her biological clock a signal that meant that her baby didn't need so much milk and yesterday morning she decided to walk away before I had finished. This is what all mama mammals do to their young when they think they have had enough and then some. They don't kick at first, they let the baby nurse for a minute, sniff at their little tails to check their well-being, and then step over their little backs and walk away. Baby is expected to take the hint and wait until later to get any more milk. Chamomile thinks I am getting big enough and need to start eating some grass like a big girl.


  1. Too funny! Are you still having the blown teat issue or did that resolve itself?

  2. It isn't an issue anymore, it is still there but isn't growing or leaking much. She really is a fabulous goat.
