This month I am having to sell things to make room in our sheds. One of those things is an electric generator. We already have non-electric appliances for everything that is life supporting in our home so it just doesn't make sense to hold onto such a large and unnecessary tool. There is just something frustrating about looking around the property and seeing so many things that we have stored for years and never used.

Maybe it has more to do with the mountain of laundry in my bedroom than anything. When something as basic as laundry takes over your life it make everything else feel unsustainable, right? With the kids changing their physical capacities to do things so quickly it seems to take all of my time to find new, better ways to channel their energy and keep them out of mischief. So what is on my list for better sanity? I am moving all of the children's books into the living room so that I don't find piles of books on my bedroom floor anymore. The laundry room is going to be revamped so that I can sort into baskets rather than trying to sort on my personal bed, where it unavoidably gets left and then dumped on the floor when it is time for bed. Also, I am reorganizing the basement guest/living room so that I have a floor again even if it mean that hobo spiders can get on the futon.
So mostly I am again trying to organize our house so that small children and tired adults can keep up with the business of living and not get Hepatitis C from our surroundings!!!
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