Why Are We Doing a KickStarter?

We are eating products from our animals but we can't seem to get our garden off the ground. I have grown great gardens in the past...why not now? Well, I have a lot more space to keep maintained and a lot more animals to keep alive and then butcher. It is kind of looking like I can only do one or the other--animals or plants. With a greenhouse that is professionally made I could stop tinkering and trying to build one on the cheap. I could just plant things and worry about the plants rather than worrying about the greenhouse too. I could put some of our more delicate animals in the greenhouse during the winter. I want to make videos about winter gardening, if I can get some experience with winter gardening in a real greenhouse then I could experiment with different types of greenhouses after learning what the basics are...if we don't get it funded I will just keep on tinkering...it will just take a lot more time and I am tired of wasting time.

To help us fund out KickStarter go to: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1620673518/winter-garden-in-a-greenhouse

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